We put through two candidates on 26 September 2022: Callum McKinnon and Alistair Martin. Alistair's mother lodge is Lodge St John's No 141 …
FC Degree
On Saturday 23 June we travelled to Lodge Dundonald No 1759 to carry out a Fellow Craft degree on a progressive candidate. It was an …
EA Degree – Cameron Ross-Bain
On Saturday 9 April 2022 we held an entered apprentice degree for Cameron Ross-Bain. The degree team was as follows: Reception - …
EA Degree
On Monday 21 March 2022 we held an entered apprentice degree for a progresive candidate. The degree team was as follows: Reception - …
EA Degree – Callum McKinnon
On Monday 21 February 2022 we held an entered apprentice degree for Callum McKinnon. The degree team was as follows: Reception – Donald …
Business Meeting
Our first meeting back since February 2020 was our business meeting held on 13 December 2021. Obituaries were read out for the following …
MMM Degree
Our newest mark master masons. Sam (left) is father to Stephen, who was also supposed to be going through the Mark Degree, but couldn't …
Annual PGL Visitation
We had our annual visitation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll & the Isles, headed by the Provincial Grand Master Douglas …
FC Degree for Stephen Judge
We carried out a fellow craft degree for progressive candidate Stephen Judge in a solemn and dignified manner. …