Lodge 774 had its annual visitation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll & the Isles today and we had two candidates going through their first degree! It was rather a special degree for one of our past masters and Provincial Grand Senior Warden, Donald McNiven, as one of our candidates was none other than his son Andrew!

We had a really good turnout of visitors, including a few brethren from the Lodge of Brotherly Love No 1428, with their RWM, Bro Davie Park. It was great to have the Lodge full to almost capacity.
The practices we’d had paid off and we did the first degree justice. Our candidates were Andrew McNiven and Donald Mackelvie.

The degree team was as follows:
- Signs and Secrets – John Macdonald, PM, DoC
- Badge – Tim Keen, WSW
- Northeast Corner – Alex Roberts, JD
- Working Tools – Andy Perrie, PM, acting WJW
- Tracing Board Lecture – Tim Keen, WSW
- Charge – Alan Campbell, IG
The business meeting closed and was followed by a cracking feed of not one dish, but two: chicken stew and chicken curry. It was a great day! Thank you to all the visiting brethren for coming along on such a dreich day and making the meeting a memorable one.