Arran St Molios Royal Arch Chapter No 893 held its annual installation on 21 September 2024, during which Tim Keen was installed as First Principal for his first time. The installing principals were James Turnbull, IP Depute First Grand Principal, and John Nisbet Steel, Second Grand Principal, and Mark Pickering, Depute Grand Superintendent of Argyll and the Isles.
Office-bearers for 2024-25
First Principal | MEC Tim H. Keen |
Second Principal | MEC Andrew Martin PZ |
Third Principal | MEC Alan Campbell PZ |
First Sojourner | EC Andrew R. Perrie |
Second Sojourner | EC Alan Coutts |
Third Sojourner | EC Derek Fleming |
Scribe E | MEC James L. Nichols PZ |
Scribe N | EC Donald J. McNiven |
Treasurer | MEC John D. Corbett PZ |
DOC | Vacant |
Super of Works | EC John McAllister |
3rd Guard | MEC James Turnbull PZ |
2nd Guard | EC John Murchie |
1st Guard | EC Christopher Stirland |
Janitor | EC Donald S. Bannatyne |