Brother Andrew Martin was installed as Right Worshipful Master on 1 December 2012 by John Stewart McDonald and Andrew Robert Perrie, both past masters of Lodge St Molios.

Following is a list of office bearers:
- Substitute Master – William McNish
- Senior Warden – Timothy Keen
- Junior Warden – Christopher Stirland
- Secretary – D.S. Bannatyne
- Treasurer – James Nichols
- Almoner – William McConnell
- Chaplain – James Kidston
- Senior Deacon – John Murchie
- Junior Deacon – Alex Roberts
- DoC – John McDonald
- Architect – Stephen McGovern
- Jeweller – Peter Mackay
- Bible Bearer – Charles Currie
- Inner Guard – Alan Campbell
- President of Stewards – William Robertson
- Steward – William Bennett
- Steward – Tim Wilkinson
- Tyler – John Kerr
There was a large number of visitors to the installation, which seems to be the custom in our well-supported lodge. The deputation from the PGL of Argyll and the Isles was headed by the Substitute PGM, George Johnston, accompanied by the RWPGM Douglas Craig, a regular visitor to our lodge.
The last duty of our outgoing RWM, Donald Mackay, was a happy one, namely to confer an honorary membership upon James McKinven of Lodge St John’s Campbeltown No 141, an honour which he was quite overwhelmed to receive. Not to be outdone, the first duty of our new RWM was equally as auspicious, the presentation of a Golden Jubilee certificate to Alf McMaster, PM. It was made particularly special for Alf as he was sat beside his son, Richard. Alf joined us for the office bearer photo above – he’s at the front on crutches.
We were also witness to a rather special Provincial Grand Lodge duty, namely the presentation by the RWPGM to the Provincial Grand Almoner, Frank Baxter, of the honorary position of Grand Almoner of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. How’s that for auspicious!