Lodge 774 had its annual visitation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll and the Isles on Saturday, 7 April 2012. The provincial deputation was headed by the PGM Brother Douglas Craig, accompanied by the PGM of Ayrshire, Brother Archie Chalmers, and the PGM of Renfrewshire West, Brother James Miller.
It was a rare treat to witness RWM Donald Mackay presenting his very own father, Brother Peter Mackay, with his Jubilee Certificate. Peter’s mother lodge is Crawfurdsburn No 1121 in the province of Renfrewshire West and is an affiliate of Lodge 774, where he works diligently behind the scenes as our archivist and is presently Donald’s Depute Master. Brother Allan Ian Robert Currie was also awarded his Jubilee Certificate.
Honorary membership was conferred upon Brother Kenneth Ronald Johnson of Lodge St John’s Campbeltown No 141, presently the Depute Provincial Grand Master, much to his surprise!