We had our annual visitation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Argyll & the Isles, headed by the Provincial Grand Master Douglas Philand. It was a notable day in many respects.
Firstly, Brother Douglas was given honourary membership of our lodge in accordance with the will of the brethren. It was a special moment.
One of our past masters, John Corbett will be demitting his office of Grand Senior Warden of the province and was presented with his jewel.
And another of our past masters, Andrew Martin was presented with his jubilee certificate, celebrating 50 years of freemasonry.
A large number of visiting brethren from the Province of Fife were present, including the Master of Andy’s mother lodge, Lodge St John No 35. Many of them missed most of the meeting because the ferry couldn’t dock, which is why they’re in their civvies.
The business of the day was to confer a Fellow Craft degree on Clark Findlay. It was carried out in a solemn and dignified manner by the brethren of the lodge.
It was a great day for freemasonry on the Isle of Arran and we would like to thank all the visitors who made the effort to come and experience island freemasonry and past master Donald Galbraith’s excellent stew!